



A.  Definition. The number "1000" is used in Scripture both literally and figuratively to represent spiritual concepts.


B.  The Literal Use.

            1. One thousand is used as a reference to the period of time of the last dispensation, the Millennium, Rev 20:2-7, referring to a literal 1000 years.

            2. One thousand is used in the war against Midian, when 1000 men were contributed from each tribe, Num 31:3-4.

            3. One thousand is the number used for literal casualties in Jud 9:49 and 15:15-16.

            4. Solomon demonstrated his mature status and occupation with Christ by his 1000 offerings, 1 Kgs 3:3-4.


C.  The Figurative Use.

            1. One thousand is used to represent the impossibility of winning a debate with God, Job 9:1-3.

            2. It is used to express great wealth, Ps 50:10.

            3. It is used for the importance of GAP, Ps 84:10-11.

            4. It is used to represent the divine concept of time, Ps 90:4; 2 Pet 3:8.

            5. It is used to describe faithfulness in category two and three love, Eccl 7:26-28.

            6. It is used to describe the feminine beauty of the neck, SOS 4:4.

            7. It is used to describe millennial blessings, Isa 60:22.

            8. It is used to describe reversionism, Isa 30:15-17.

            9. It is used to describe protection in combat, Ps 91:7.

     10. It is used to describe military defeat in the fifth cycle of discipline, Deut 32:28-30.

     11. It is used for the military victory of the mature believer in combat, Josh 23:10. _____________________________________________________________________________

 © 1989, by R. B. Thieme, Jr.  All rights reserved.
